About E-Alerts Application Page

This guide outlines how to navigate and complete the E-Alert application webform in the tab view.

Section Tabs: The section tabs in the left panel consist of standard, configurable and dynamic sections. Depending on the organization, the system administrator can configure displayed sections for a specific E-Alert interface.

Section Header: The section header contains the name of the E-Alert interface and the time remaining to complete the form.

Main Body: The main body contains relevant information or fields for the selected section tab.

Timer Control and Timeout Period: The timeout period is shown on the E-Alert Application Page in two places: the text in the section header and the timer control on the bottom left corner of the page. The timeout period can be configured in the Admin Tool. The Hide link in the timer control collapses the control and hides the remaining time to complete the webform.
Note: The application times out if the user is inactive for a period of time, with a pop-up time-out message. All inputs in the current E-Alert will be lost once timed out. Click the Start Over button to return to the default index page.

Cancel Application: The Cancel Application link at the bottom returns the user to the default index page. Alternatively, the interface redirects the user to the Greetings page of the E-Alert if the system administrator sets up in the Admin Tool.

Help: The Help icon-link on the top right corner opens the E-Alerts Guide in a new tab or window. This icon-link appears on every page within the E-Alerts Module.

Navigation Links: The section tabs, except the first and last tabs, contain both < Previous and Next > links to navigate between tabs. The user can also quickly access other sections by clicking on the tabs from the left panel.

Submit: The submit button sends the current E-Alert application to vSOC. It only appears in the last tab (Verify & Submit).
Note: To configure Submit button to appear in every tab, please contact D3 Security.

Tab View/Single-Page View

The E-Alert Application Page has both Tab View and Single-Page View. The only difference between the views is the section tabs. In the single-page view, section tabs are not available. The user scrolls up and down the page to access other sections.

Note: To configure the E-Alert Application Page layout, please contact D3 Security.